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My writing is set in a fantasy world of my own creation. Currently I have one published book, Allur and am working on a second titled Reign of Kaos. I also have a small collection of short stories I created as an exercise which I plan to add to this website.

Girl with purple hair and navy cloak

I’m also a geek! Here, I am cosplaying one of my favorite characters, Raven. I proudly show my interests through clothing or jewelry and tattoos. It’s my favorite way to start a conversation.

My favorite books are The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy as well as The Legend of Drizzt series. In my free time I like to draw or paint, play the piano, crochet, and play board/video/computer games.

I absolutely LOVE cats! So, I need to include my furbabies on this page as they are a huge part of my world. They are Gaara, Zaria, and Odin.

white and tan cat with large ears
black and white cat


You can email me at

You can also find me on Facebook and my Patrean: